Microsoft 365 Family | 6 People 1 Year | Including updates

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Microsoft 365 Family | 6 People 1 Year | Including updates
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Office 365 Family

Up to 6 household members can use one subscription, and each person gets 1TB of cloud storage and 60 Skype minutes per month. With Office 365 Family you can do almost anything, anywhere and on all your devices.

Fully installed Office applications
Buy all-new versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and more, downloaded directly to your favourite devices. You can keep working even when you're not online.

Set up on multiple devices
The full Office experience on 6 PCs or Macs, 6 tablets (including Windows, iPad and Android) and 6 phones.

Everywhere access
Use OneDrive cloud storage for instant access to your documents, photos and videos. Change and share them online anytime, anywhere and on all your devices.

Always up to date
Every new upgrade is included, so you'll always have the most up-to-date version as soon as it's available.




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